Emergency food and supply relief has impacted lives of those in both Rwanda and in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Needs have become ever more apparent as a result of the global COVID-19 pandemic due to government shutdowns to slow the spread of the virus. Food insecurities became amplified when families were unable to work to provide for their families as a result of the pandemic. Africa Hope Initiatives has distributed food during the COVID-19 pandemic in all of our seventy-two churches. Emergency food and supply relief has also been a priority in the DRC as well as in the area of Gisenyi for the victims of the volcano and subsequent earthquakes last year. This catastrophe has left this area with lasting impacts and the needs are still evident. Foods such as corn flour and rice are supplied to those in need, as well as home supplies including clothing, blankets and sheets. Distributing essential items in an emergency situation is one of the best ways we can be the hands and feet of Jesus.