Meet our team! We are all members of Christ’s Church in Winterville, North Carolina. When I came back and shared my vision with my church family in August 2021, six people approached me that day with an interest in partnering with me. I had prayed for the perfect team of people with knowledge and skill sets that would together fit together like a puzzle, and in my opinion, this team is the one designed by God. We bring different gifts and abilities, and collectively, we make a wonderful Board of Directors. We share the same vision, dedication and passion to make a powerful difference in the lives of those in East Africa.

Front Row (Left to Right):

Jennifer Parker, Executive Director

Candace Darden, Fundraising/Development Coordinator

Second Row:

Michael Murphy, Vice President

Andrew Schmidt, Chief Communications Officer

Back Row:

Stephen Elliot, Compliance Officer

Wesley Bishop, Secretary

Tammy Bishop, Treasurer

Not Pictured:

Victoria Bishop, Children’s Home Liaison